Therapy Activities for Kids
Therapy Activities for Kids
Terms of Sale + License for Use
By purchasing Products through our Website, you are agreeing to the full Terms of Purchase and, in return, we are providing you with a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable, small business commercial use license (“License”) to use the Products with your clients and/or students only. This means that copying, reselling, or sharing our Products with other therapists to use with their clients or students is not allowed. If you have additional team members who need access to our Products, you will need to purchase an additional Product for each user.
Return Policy
Due to the nature of digital products being immediately accessible upon purchase, we do not allow for returns or refunds.
These resources have been created and curated by Kim Lange, LCMHC & Emotionanigans, LLC as a supplement to therapy with a qualified counseling professional with appropriate training and experience. Nothing in the resources constitutes medical advice. You understand and agree that these resources are not a replacement for professional therapy and that purchasing or otherwise obtaining them does not establish a therapist-client relationship. You further acknowledge and agree that these resources are not a replacement for appropriate training and clinical supervision, and purchasing them does not establish a therapist-supervisor relationship. You agree not to practice outside your scope of competency and to defer to your professional judgment in utilizing these resources.